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Продукты Питания / Пищевые Добавки Запросы

Вы просматриваете объявления в подкатегории Пищевые добавки категории Продукты Питания.

we need supermarket item exporters from turkey large quantities my name is Hi************* +25********** Email h**********

just want to ask if you are a pea protein manufacturer?

Irak erbilde bulunan firmamiz icin aylik her bir urun icin 25 er ton duzenli olmak kaydiyla cesitli bakliyat urunleri (jasmine pirinc, nohut, fasulye, bulgur, mercimek sehriye 1 er kiloluk) ve seker, un, yag, salca, sehriye tedarik etmek istiyoruz!

Mersin’de tamami ihrac edilmek uzere teneke kutularda tavuk konserve salam uretimi yapmaktayiz. Uretimimizde kullanilmak uzere bize leblebi tozu icin fiyat teklifi sunmanizi rica ederiz.

I'm looking for a trusted supplier of Chickpeas Protein powder to be used in our protein and energy bars.

I am looking for a processor / supplier of cickpea protein powder. Please be in touch if you can supply.

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