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Продукты Питания / Грузия Запросы

Вы просматриваете объявления в категории Продукты Питания из Грузия.

Я пишу из Грузии. У нас есть компания по дистрибуции молочных продуктов в Грузии, и мы искали заводы, которые производят молочные продукты из Турции. Если вы заинтересованы в сотрудничестве, нам понадобится крупная закупка. В основном меня интересует сыр фета Прежде всего меня интересуют цены за кг сыра фета, и после сотрудничества мы посетим вашу фабрику и заключим соглашение. Если вы согласны на общение, пожалуйста, напишите свой ответ, и мы посетим вашу фабрику для будущих отношений Спасибо, С уважением, A************ +995************

I am writing from Georgia. We have a dairy product distribution company in Georgia and were searching factories which produce dairy products from Turkey. If you will be interested in cooperation we will need a big purchase. mostly I am interested in milk First of all I am interested in prices for per kg milk and after cooperation we will visit your factory and make an agreement. If you will agree for communication please write your reply and we will visit your factory for the future relationship Thank you, Kind Regards, A************ +995************

I am writing from Georgia. We have a dairy product distribution company in Georgia and were searching factories which produce dairy products from Turkey. If you will be interested in cooperation we will need a big purchase. mostly I am interested in gouda First of all I am interested in prices for per kg Gouda and after cooperation we will visit your factory and make an agreement. If you will agree for communication please write your reply and we will visit your factory for the future relationship Thank you, Kind Regards, A************ +995************

I am writing from Georgia. We have a dairy product distribution company in Georgia and were searching factories which produce dairy products from Turkey. If you will be interested in cooperation we will need a big purchase. mostly I am interested in parmesan First of all I am interested in prices for per kg Parmesan and after cooperation we will visit your factory and make an agreement. If you will agree for communication please write your reply and we will visit your factory for the future relationship Thank you, Kind Regards, A************ +995************

I am writing from Georgia. We have a dairy product distribution company in Georgia and were searching factories which produce dairy products from Turkey. If you will be interested in cooperation we will need a big purchase. mostly I am interested in Mozzarella First of all I am interested in prices for per kg Mozzarella and after cooperation we will visit your factory and make an agreement. If you will agree for communication please write your reply and we will visit your factory for the future relationship Thank you, Kind Regards, A************ +995************

Здравствуйте, какой шоколад вы можете предложить прямо сейчас? У вас есть мощности, чтобы я мог удовлетворить спрос?

Мы являемся компанией-дистрибьютором молочных продуктов в Грузии и ищем заводы и компании в Турции для закупки продукции. В основном Меня интересует сыр (моцарелла, пармезан, чеддер, гауда, эдам и другие молочные продукты) Если вы заинтересованы в сотрудничестве, пожалуйста, напишите мне прайс-лист вашей продукции для оптовой закупки.

Hello.. I have a chain of stores and also distribution in Georgia.. I am interested in chocolates like Snickers, Twix Bounty, KitKat and so on In large quantities...

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