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Я ищу производителей ШЕЙКЕРОВ (пластик). Я не могу найти ни одного производителя пластиковых бутылок и шейкеров. можете ли вы мне помочь мы ищем долгосрочное сотрудничество. Но я не могу найти нигде производителей шейкеров/бутылок. ищу из Турции, не из Китая и т. д. - из-за высокой стоимости доставки

We're wondering if you make shakers or just bottles. We're looking for a long-term supplier and can start with an order of 1,000 pieces or more. Ideally, we'd like to reorder at least 3,000 shakers every couple of months.

I represent a private company that specializes in the supply of ceramic ware to various Internet sites. We are focused on online trading in this market segment and would like to offer you cooperation. At the moment, we are looking for reliable partners and suppliers from Turkey and we hope that you can help us with this.

I need to find some fitness product shakers for protein drink for first step 500 pcs / monthly

Glassware Wholesaler in Czechia, HS Code 7013 The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses.

Glassware Wholesaler in Portugal, HS Code 7013 The database includes company name, telephone number, e-mail and website addresses.

Glassware Wholesaler in Estonia, HS Code 7013 The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses.

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