GI Sheet
a. Physical properties:
1. Thickness: (0.38~0.45) mm
2. Weight of roll: ≤ 5000 kg
3. Width of roll: 900-915 mm (GI Sheet must be supplied as roll)
4. Thickness of Zinc coating ≥ 0.015 mm (each side of GI Sheet)
5. Weight of Zinc coating ≥ 0.0225 gm per sq cm
6. Weight:Sheet unit weight according to size and coating
7. The surface of the sheet/roll is smooth, clean and free from all spotsand should have crystallized mild steel- checkered special galvanized layer
b. Chemical composition & Mechanical properties:
1. Carbon: 0.15 % Maximum
2. UTS :27~52 kg/mm2
3. Elongation: ≥ 18%
4. Bending Test with standard: ≥ 6 times bending at 90 degree angle.
5. Peeling Test: No peeling at repeated 180 degree bending