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Продукты Питания / Ингредиенты Для Теста Запросы

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My company works in the field of flour correctors. I am looking for an agent, to work in Egypt under his name and brand.

My company works in the field of flour improvers. I am looking for an agent, to work in Egypt under his name and brand.

*********** *********** — итальянский дистрибьютор пищевых добавок и ингредиентов. Наши основные клиенты — хлебопекарные, мукомольные, кондитерские и мясные компании. Мы ищем производителя нативной пшеничной клейковины. У меня есть характеристики продукта, и я могу ими с вами поделиться. Пожалуйста, дайте нам свои комментарии.

Моя компания работает в сфере маркетинга улучшителей муки, корректоров муки и усилителей муки. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы сообщили мне, есть ли у вас агент в Египте. Если у вас нет агента, я надеюсь стать вашим агентом в Египте.

we need supermarket item exporters from turkey large quantities my name is Hi************* +25********** Email h**********

I am planning to export high quality food and grocery items from Turkey to the Canada . Please send me details about your product , best prices , quantities per 20 foot container (different packing type) , shipment cost to different Toronto ports , terms of payments , experience / availability /approvals of your products by the Canadian authorities and ALL other information you feel necessary to help me in the business .

currently we need to import wheat flour we require a quote for a 40 container with wheat flour according to the following technical sheet that additional information was sent with the attached margarine product technical sheet

I am interested in buying products such as wheat flour, vegetable oil, powdered milk, rice and others. Also know how they handle logistics. Greetings. +507*******0

High-quality flour for all industries, especially croissants I want to import flour Importing raw materials from Turkey such as flour, ryot, sugar, yeast, hazelnuts, and others

I am waiting for your proposal to work together on flour and yeast improvement products EN powder

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