Я сам Абдул Карим Ансари, генеральный директор M / S GK KAYAM CARPETS из Индии, как производитель и экспортер ковров и ковриков.
Мы занимаемся этой торговлей с 1920 года и твердо верим в построение долгосрочных деловых о........
Я сам Абдул Карим Ансари, генеральный директор M / S GK KAYAM CARPETS из Индии, как производитель и экспортер ковров и ковриков.
Мы занимаемся этой торговлей с 1920 года и твердо верим в построение долгосрочных деловых о........
Beside Basic Yarns like Cotton, Cotton Blended, Polyester & Blended Yarns, with Viscose & Blended Yarns on Cotton Ring Spin & Vortex System We Offer Acrylic & Blended as per following details
1. 100% COTTON OPEN END N........
Beside Basic Yarns like Cotton, Cotton Blended, Polyester & Blended Yarns, with Viscose & Blended Yarns on Cotton Ring Spin & Vortex System We Offer Acrylic & Blended as per following details
1. 100% COTTON OPEN END N........
Азиатская индустрия пакетов (ABI)., 100% экспортно-ориентированная компания по производству СУМОК. Она была создана на заре нового тысячелетия с целью внести свой вклад в рост Индии. Все началось с небольшого производств........
Азиатская индустрия пакетов (ABI)., 100% экспортно-ориентированная компания по производству СУМОК. Она была создана на заре нового тысячелетия с целью внести свой вклад в рост Индии. Все началось с небольшого производств........
Established in the year 1990, C.N.INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT is one of the most renowned organizations engaged in delivering a wide range ofginning machine spare parts Double Roller Ginning Machine Spare Parts,Saw Gin Machine Sp........
Established in the year 1990, C.N.INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT is one of the most renowned organizations engaged in delivering a wide range ofginning machine spare parts Double Roller Ginning Machine Spare Parts,Saw Gin Machine Sp........
Bhaskar Denim India one of the best denim fabric manufacturers and suppliers India, We are vertically integrated textile with Spinning, Dyeing, Weaving & Finishing under one roof. For Contact: 917480233404....
Bhaskar Denim India one of the best denim fabric manufacturers and suppliers India, We are vertically integrated textile with Spinning, Dyeing, Weaving & Finishing under one roof. For Contact: 917480233404....
Vaishnavi Trading Company is your one-stop solution for all needs related to uniforms, aprons, and work wears. With a keen understanding of the complexities involved in work wear industry, we pride ourselves on deliverin........
Vaishnavi Trading Company is your one-stop solution for all needs related to uniforms, aprons, and work wears. With a keen understanding of the complexities involved in work wear industry, we pride ourselves on deliverin........
Agrawal Cotton Pvt Ltd., operating under the brand name LinnSeed.com, is a renowned manufacturer and supplier of high-quality yarn. The company, with its distinctive reputation, is recognized both domestically and global........
Agrawal Cotton Pvt Ltd., operating under the brand name LinnSeed.com, is a renowned manufacturer and supplier of high-quality yarn. The company, with its distinctive reputation, is recognized both domestically and global........
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