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Solicitações De Setor De Serviços / Alfândega - Armazenagem / Arábia Saudita

Você está visualizando anúncios na subcategoria Alfândega - Armazenagem na categoria Setor de serviços de Arábia Saudita

Türkiye ile Suudi Arabistan arasindaki ticari iliskilerin olaganustu refahi nedeniyle, buromuz araciligiyla tum urunlerinizi Suudi Arabistan kralligi genelinde tanitabilir ve en ust duzeyde Suudi pazarina cikarabilirsiniz.. Amacimiz iki ulke arasindaki alisverisi guclendirmektir.

I hope you are having a good day. We are having some goods to be shipped via aerial transport which we want to ship to turkey within these five days . We ask of you to cover the custom clearance for the goods. If you are able to do custom clearance plz inform me ASAP and all the information about the product will be send to you

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