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Solicitações De Setor De Energia / Petróleo E Derivados

Você está visualizando anúncios da subcategoria Petróleo e derivados na categoria Setor de Energia.

Procuro vendedores no cais dos portos ou em barcos prontos para exportação de petróleo

Posso fornecer qualidade original e preço razoável. Por favor, deixe-me saber se você está interessado em nossos produtos e se você precisa de qualquer outra informação, ficarei feliz em ajudar. Atenciosamente So*********e *********** h*********

Hello! we need to buy 800 tons of fuel oil in Bishkek can you calculate the price with delivery?

Dear colleagues, we are independent agents in the field of petroleum products sales in the Russian Federation. Our main task is to search for customers, consult, negotiate, accompany the potential buyer before the transaction takes place. We would like to offer you cooperation in the form of representation of your interests in finding Euro 5 diesel fuel from the Russian Federation manufacturing plants, with the possibility of subsequent purchase and delivery on favorable terms for you.

I want offer for 3300 liter of oil used to heating asphalt, the oil's working temperature is 230C. This oil will export to Syria across Cilvegozu cross border (Cilvegozu SinirKapisi ).

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