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Solicitações De Setor De Energia

Você está visualizando anúncios na categoria Setor de Energia

Estamos procurando comprar lenha para entrega na Palestina, então, por favor, envie-me o preço para 100 toneladas, CIF Ashdod Port. Obrigado!

Meu nome é M***********h e estou disposto a me especializar em importação de produtos de madeira. Estamos interessados em obter lenha e madeira para construção e gostaríamos de informações detalhadas sobre suas ofertas. Você poderia gentilmente fornecer os seguintes detalhes: 1. Lenha: Tipos de madeira disponíveis (por exemplo, madeira dura, madeira macia) Opções de embalagem (por exemplo, fardos, engradados, soltos) Preço por tonelada Além disso, inclua: Quantidades mínimas de pedido para cada produto Termos e condições de pagamento Termos de envio (por exemplo, FOB, CIF) e prazos de entrega Qualquer catálogo ou folheto disponível para referência Estamos procurando estabelecer uma parceria de longo prazo e gostaríamos de entender como podemos colaborar efetivamente. Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar quaisquer outros detalhes ou recomendações relevantes que possam nos ajudar a tomar uma decisão informada.

Importer Exporter Data August, 06, 2024 – A selection of some important export and import global trade opportunities. Let your global sales grow up worldwide with import export leads: Start your DEMO MEMBERSHIP account today where you can see the details of the postings: In most of these job opportunities, Whatsapp number is published for quick communication. TurkishExporter Support Line +90 533 595 35 12 / Whatsapp Ukraine customer will purchase Candle manufacturing equipment Palestinian customer wants to receive offers for Confectionery products UAE company will purchase 5 containers of fresh gala apples monthly Bolivia company requests a price quote for Medical service trolley Senegal company wants to import Detergent raw materials Lebanese company requests price offers for dried fruit varieties Senegal company wants to import Detergent raw materials Ethiopian importer will purchase Horizontal multistage water pump Uzbekistan company wants to get a quote for Bitumen BND 40/60 US company wants to import women's boxer underwear products Mauritania customer will buy Sheet metals (list available) Lesotho customer requests Derinkuyu Water Drilling Machine Canadian company will purchase stone crushing grinding mill Lebanese company wants to subcontract PE Seal Bottle Cap Romania customer requests Hotel Kitchen Equipment US company demands Women's Ready-to-Wear varieties Algerian company will buy Brake Discs (list available) Latvia customer demands Body and surface disinfectants Ukrainian plumbing products manufacturer will import Rolling Machine Saudi Arabia customer wants to import Wooden pallets Russian company requests Profile Bending Machine Importer Exporter Requests Data:

Standard length kiln dried logs that will fit 99% of wood burning or multi-fuel stoves. Log length = 25cm logs (9.8 inches). Tolerance on length is +/- 10%. Log diameter = 5 -15cm (2 – 6 inches) measured across widest point of the log.

my name is Ian J*** of ****** I**** located in South Korea I am willing to supply kiln dried firewood to the South Korean market. 3 containers of firewood in 1.1m2 or 2.2m2 crates? Length should be less than 28cm and the species, we can talk.

I work for a consultancy company and one of our clients is interested on aquiring Almond shells, what is the maximum quantity that you could supply ?

I need machine-dried oak firewood at a rate of 7% to 13%. The lengths are bagged. Each bag is 10 kg.

Solar powered Fruit drying cabin , Fruit washing line, plum bone removal machine , Apple cutter , Electric generator, Dried packaging machines

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