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Solicitações De Roupa - Moda / Uniforme - Avental - Roupa De Trabalho

Você está visualizando anúncios da subcategoria Uniforme - Avental - Roupa de trabalho na categoria Roupa - Moda.

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Importer Exporter Worldwide Global Trade August, 09, 2024 – A selection of some important export and import global trade opportunities. Let your global sales grow up worldwide with import export leads: Start your DEMO MEMBERSHIP account today where you can see the details of the postings: In most of these job opportunities, Whatsapp number is published for quick communication. TurkishExporter Support Line +90 533 595 35 12 / Whatsapp • England will import Brushed Cotton Fabric • Serbian company will import White Goods products • Yemen Customer Imports Baby Diapers • Syrian company will purchase Glass Breaking Machine • Seychelles company wants to import Fruit varieties • Equatorial Guinea customer will buy Cone crusher stone crusher • Algerian customer demands Bulgur production line 400 kg/h • UAE company wants to import Omo laundry detergents • Malaysian company wants to import Cement • Lebanon customers demand quality scarves and shawls wholesale • Uzbekistan company will have electrical home appliances produced under subcontracting brand. • Serbian company demands dental filling materials (made in Turkey) • Kazakhstan customer will buy Medical slippers wholesale • Romanian company will purchase egg viol varieties • Indian company is looking for Cement factory machinery manufacturers • Italian company wants to import transparent packaging roll films • Kuwaiti company requests School uniforms on wholesale basis • Russia customer will buy 1200x600x20 Marble slab 5000 m2 • The buyer who wrote from Germany will have Hijab clothing products contracted. • Australian customer requests Chenille yarn, blanket yarns • Russian company will import heavy construction machinery spare parts • South African customer will purchase Creamy dark cocoa biscuits • Tunisian company demands 40 million units/year for bar soap packaging • A UK company wants to have refrigerator display shelves contracted. Importer Exporter Requests Data:

Ben Pakistanliyim, ayrica Pvc yamalar ve metalik rozetler ureticisi ve saglayicisiyim, uretici misiniz yoksa sadece satici misiniz?

pvc traffic cone, speed hump, convex mirror, plastic chain 6mm& 8mm, PE trafic cone, safety vest, recharge strobe light, barrier flasher light can you give me your mail address so i can send my request

We are looking for factories who are willing to produce smaller and bigger quantities.

We are producer of ''waterproof cloths'' in Turkey.

PVC Raincoat- PVC Bootfoot Chest Wader​-PVC Apron Long-Short-PVC Camouflage Bootfoot Chest Wader-PVC Camo Rainsuit-​PVC Rain Bibs Overalls-​PVC Bootfoot Overall- Waterproof-Durable-Mde in Turkey

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