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Solicitações De Nigéria

Você está vendo postagens de Nigéria

Estamos interessados em comprar os itens abaixo. Por gentileza, envie-nos uma cotação, seu melhor preço unitário, peso, código HS, folha de dados, folheto e prazo de entrega mais rápido.

We are willing to import wide range medical devices instruments from your region and need your good office assistance as to put us through to manufacturer and direct exporters.

we need to communicate regarding purchase of bulk products prices for some medical supplies

we need to communicate regarding purchase of bulk products prices for medical equipments

We are looking for Turkish manufacturers in medical equipment manufacturers to partner with.

Our firm has a niche for the supply chain management of Medical & technical (Med- Tech)products which ensures safety and seeks to partner with your company to boost sales and increase your presence in the Nigerian market and in other Sun- Saharan Countries in Africa .

What is price for scalp vein set size 21G,22G and 23G40ft hq We need scalp vein set and infuction set

we need to make purchase of GEOTEK biopsy needle in Quantity,kindly notify us if you have

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