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Queremos comprar 24 toneladas de malha de aço 215*500 15*15 6 mm para a Sérvia. Quanto é o preço por tonelada? Quanto cabe no caminhão. Gostaria de informações sobre esse assunto.

Estamos vendendo e distribuindo materiais de construção e produtos acabados na Romênia e na Áustria. Estamos interessados, a partir do ano que vem, em encomendar produtos de malha de aço de você, se você também estiver interessado. Gostaríamos de começar um relacionamento comercial de longo prazo. De 22 de janeiro de 2025 a 25 de janeiro de 2025, estarei em Istambul.

Hello, I will have orders for steel mesh for our construction site in Tbilisi. Can you get back to me on the subject?

Precisamos de cerca de 6000 m2 de tela de aço inoxidável, 2,5, com capacidade de suportar temperaturas tão baixas quanto -35°C.

My name is Va*********a. We have an import company in Argentina. Therefore, I am looking for Turkish suppliers who sell sima gradil meshes. I am looking for Turkish providers that sell UPN-IPN-HEB profiles. I am looking for Turkish suppliers that sell aluzinc-zincalum-adilum sheets. And hot and cold laminated sheets.

For frequent procurement we’re looking for steel rebar and steel wire mesh suppliers to Czech Republic.

i am owner of company from Serbial i am looking for Turkish supplier for Expanded steel metal mesh i need this mesh 115x40x3mm cca 1600 m2 Please send us an offer for: Expanded steel metal mesh 115x40x3mm Required amount about 1600m2 I need information can we send a cutting sheet so you can cut the boards to the exact measurements we require, or we have to buy standard boards and cut them ourselves? If you have this product in your offer, please let me know the weight per square meter. The stretched metal would be welded into steel frames, but since we have a special request from the customer (see attachment), that only whole rhombuses must be in the frames. I am wondering if with this measure of stretched metal (115x40x3mm) we can get a mesh height of 920mm but keep the whole rhombuses?

Celik hasir urunleriniz ihracata uygunmudur. (Avusturyaya ihracat edilecekti)

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