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Gostaria de entrar em contato com uma empresa que fabrica adesivos para feridas para obter uma agência exclusiva deles para o benefício de um escritório científico para anunciar medicamentos e suprimentos médicos Aguardo sua resposta o mais breve possível

Somos um escritório de decoração de carpetes para venda de carpetes em Bagdá, Iraque. Gostaríamos de trabalhar com sua empresa. Você tem estoque de carpetes em placas?

I need self adhesive opp bags for burger and bread . big quantities of orders

I need an adhesive that can withstand the heat of diesel engine oil for the purpose of manufacturing engine oil filters

If the color of the sticker is blue and the writing is white Writing length 40 cm The height of the sticker is 4.5 cm The length of one spool is 200 yards How much does it cost to print 1000 pieces?

we are al watanya for food production located in iraq kindly we need glow label for plastic bottle juice can you provide such mateirls

Kindly, can I have your quotation for the alternatives of cementitious tile adhesives?

I need a company specializing in the manufacture of liquid silicone

I am a consumer from Iraq , and I read on your website that you supply marble kit activator and gel. I'd like to inquire about the price of both the single product and a whole container and how many are there in one container. I'll be thankful if you took the time to answer me.

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