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Por favor, nos envie sua cotação para cobrir o fornecimento dos materiais especificados conforme o seguinte e anexo: - RFQ 24-1175 TURBINAS A GÁS SRV, GCVS & IGV INSTRUMENTATION SPARE PARTS - APZ • Validade da sua oferta. • Período de entrega (data de produção + data de envio) *Folha de dados. • Termos de pagamento: • Detalhes de envio • Envio: CPT Air Fright Amman/ Jordan. É muito importante • País de origem; País de envio • Oferta oficial de sua empresa para nossa empresa em PDF e planilha Excel ou planilha Word. Observação: precisamos de folhas de dados técnicos, desenhos, MTCs ou MTCs antigos que você já produziu antes, crie um perfil de sua empresa com seus certificados ISO, se encontrados.

Dear sirs, are you able to offer new production of follow forged fittings in one week – 10 days max. Carbon steel Olet fittings as per MSS SP-97, mat. ASTM A350 Grade LF2 Class 1 Nipolet, NPT (M), run pipe 48'' ½" (DN15), class 3000 -50pcs ½" (DN15), class 6000 - 260pcs Tredolet, NPT (F), class 6000 1" (DN25), run pipe 8'' - 100pcs 1" (DN25), run pipe 4'' - 50pcs

Kindly provide us with your quotation to cover the supply of the materials specified as per the following and attachment:- SFP-24-FC-0478- SUPPLY OF PIPE , ST/STEEL & FITTINGS • Validity of your offer: *Datasheet and MTC. • Delivery Period(production date + shipping date) * Kindly quote your best prices on CFR-Aqaba/Jordan sea freight, stating your shortest, but fixed time of delivery and advising the approximate weight, origin of goods. • Terms of payment: • Officially offer from your company to our company in PDF and excel sheet or word sheet. Note : we need technical data sheets , Drawings, MTCs or old MTCs which you already produced before, profile your company with your ISO certificates if found. Expect to receive your valued offer on or before 24/08/2024. Note: please confirm receiving email

Please we need below pneumatic spar parts in our manufactory in Egypt : PU Hose 16 mm 100 EA PU hose 6mm 100 EA PU Hose 10 mm 100 EA PU hose 8mm 100 EA PU Hose 12 mm 100 M

will they have information on elevator spare parts factories, such as metal guides and door sensors?

I`m looking for a factory in Turkey that manufactures LAy flat hoses from TPU material Quantity: 3000 Meters devided in 30 rolls x 100 meters. 2.Couplings: As per the picture Quantity 62 pieces (30 rolls x 2 couplings + 2 couplings as a spares)

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