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We would like to import 20 tons of copper every 4 months, and we would like to obtain competitive prices for shipping CIF to Jeddah Port.

Prezado Senhor, Uma de nossas empresas é uma fabricante de produtos de cabos de baixa tensão. Estamos solicitando a possibilidade de obter o cobre de 8 mm do seu lado para o Egito. Você poderia informar o preço e a quantidade mínima do pedido? Obrigado pelo seu gentil feedback.

Precisamos de uma grande quantidade de fio de cobre 99,99% puro, com diâmetros de 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm e 7 mm. A quantidade necessária é de 10.000 por mês, com um contrato de 12 meses.

Peace be upon you and God's mercy Thank you, my dear sister, for your response with all respect and appreciation The product is red copper and iron Imported

Peace be upon you and God's mercy Thank you, my dear sister, for your response with all respect and appreciation The product is red copper and iron Imported

Peace be upon you and God's mercy Thank you, my dear sister, for your response with all respect and appreciation The product is red copper and iron Imported

We need an offer for an electric cable equivalent to the 3 m model. 3659, In the offer, insert the formats of the coils that can be had and the technical sheet.

I have stores in Tajikistan. From China, we will always take copper wires. We will take poor cable. I would like to purchase copper wires and copper cables from Turkey. Everything is slow. Can you organize such companies, such large branded ones? We need it specifically. Work specifically.

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