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Quero vidro no Líbano Quero 5,5 m Balour 5,5 m bronze 5,5 m preto tamanho 225.321 Quero por enquanto se seu preço for bom 18000 mitra todo mês preciso assim também preciso do símbolo te mando me informe o preço

I am the manager of a company that operates in water treatment. We want to set up a borosilicate glass bottle factory in Senegal We want information on the assembly of a borosilicate glass bottle manufacturing assembly unit

We need borosilicate tube 120mm OD, 5mm thickness, 120CM length Can you help me

Laboratory glassware Run-in casting bulb 29/32 200ml. Borosilicate glass 3.3 Isobaric casting bulb PTFE needle valve Break-in 29/32

I am intersted Borosilicate products I need a supplier ???

We produce ampoules and we get raw material which is borosilicate glass tube from China. But recently because of logistics companies we are looking for partners in Turkey

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