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Solicitações De Gana

Você está vendo postagens de Gana

Precisamos de uma empresa que possa nos fornecer eletrodomésticos. Por favor, entre em contato comigo pelo WhatsApp: +2332****** ou pelo e-mail: ******

Estamos procurando lavadoras industriais de alta capacidade, e você pode nos enviar empresas que estejam no mercado, por favor, deixe-as entrar em contato comigo no WhatsApp

I want more details on household appliances manufactured by your company I need to check the site first to know available appliances

I am looking for manufacturers of these brand to buy at wholesale. Refigerator, Television, microwave, washing machine. air conditioner, gas stove, and others

burner refrigerator Air conditioner 1.5hp and 2.5hp washing machine

Connect with supplier and manufacturers I am a in need of fridges and washing machines

I want to import washing powder and liquid soap and more detergent products to Lebanon and I want a very good prices so that I can compete with the market

I'm an importer living in Ghana. I need manufacturers of fridges, freezers, washing machines, microwaves and other electrical and kitchen appliances.

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