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Solicitações De Setor De Serviços / Francês

Você está visualizando anúncios Postagem de Vendas na categoria Setor de serviços de Francês

Gostaria de informar que nossa empresa é especializada em fabricação de metais e corte a laser.

Olá, Somos uma empresa francesa e turca com escritórios em Paris, Istambul, Casablanca e Dacar. Se você tem alguma atividade de desenvolvimento de negócios relacionada à Turquia, França, Marrocos e Senegal, entre em contato conosco:

Our transport company from the Republic of Iran specializes in international road and sea transport, and transport services in the Middle East and Central Asia, including the transportation of export-import cargo. With our wealth of experience, we can provide high-quality delivery services quickly and reliably. Contact us for detailed advice on our services and answers to your questions.

Located in the Distriport area in Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, our 12000m² warehouse is at your disposal if you wish to subcontract storage or service activities (unstuffing, preparation, controls, shipping, etc.). In the second half of 2024, we will be equipped with a storage area of 3200m² under T° control (including 1000m² in negative cold), our warehouse lends itself to the storage of food or non-food products. We also have another 10000m² warehouse in the Paris area with operational temperature-controlled surfaces (positive and negative cold).

10 yıldır her yıl Paris Espace Champerret'te düzenlenen Pharmaffaires ticaret fuarını düzenliyoruz. Bu heyecan verici ve zenginleştirici etkinlikte bize katılabileceğinizi umuyoruz. Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa veya kayıt olmak istiyorsanız lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

Genel olarak hizmetlerimiz 5 kademede: 1 / Pazar analizi 2 / Avrupa Depolama & ellecleme 3 / Avrupa İç taşıma 4 / Avrupa İade yönetimi 5 / Avrupa E-ticaret desteği

Paris ve cevresinde ev villa arsa alip ev yapmak istiyen yatirimcilara her turlu insaat alim yapim isinde yardimci olunur..

I allow myself to offer you my logistics, stuffing, unstuffing and container equipment services in the Le Havre region (outside the port area)

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