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Solicitações De Setor De Serviços / Certificação - Auditoria Serviços

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We are currently exploring opportunities to expand our network and collaborate with reputable manufacturers in the textile industry in Turkey. Having come across your esteemed company, we are keen to explore the possibility of working together to streamline the certification process for your textiles intended for the UAE and Saudi Arabian markets. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs and contribute to the success of your textile products in the UAE and Saudi Arabian markets

we are an ISO certification body do you provide business directory and if you need any type certification we can

Tnanslation services Legal process follow-up, customs follow-up, hotel & transportation & security services in your business for export&import in Turkey.

Our professional Team can help your exporters to expand their Business in the Arabian Gulf region, We have a wide connections with the local markets here using our own tools like / - understanding the local business environment. - big data base and updated marketing researches. - unique a personal relationship with the business makers. - using the same agriculture and the local language.

Our company is a leading company in the CIS market in the field of obtaining permits. With our help, you can complete all the necessary documents quickly, legally and inexpensively!

We specialize in registering medical devices, medicines and medical equipment in Russian Federation and CIS countries. For that reason, I would like to inform you that we would be happy to help international companies entering the Russian Federation and CIS markets by registering their medical products. Moreover, we provide comprehensive services concerning production distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Türkiye ile Suudi Arabistan arasindaki ticari iliskilerin olaganustu refahi nedeniyle, buromuz araciligiyla tum urunlerinizi Suudi Arabistan kralligi genelinde tanitabilir ve en ust duzeyde Suudi pazarina cikarabilirsiniz.. Amacimiz iki ulke arasindaki alisverisi guclendirmektir.

if you want to inspect the inspection or need cotton cotrolling we can do audit ,like raw cotton controlling and textile products, if you want to audit that products in pakistan , i can give you this services with very lowest rates

I suggest that you consider the possibility of cooperation in relation to the certification of products according to the technical regulations of the Customs Union. We are not an intermediary organization, we have our own certification body and an accredited testing laboratory.

We offer services for issuing permits for export and import products. We propose a collaboration. We certify your products – you are exporting into territory of Customs Union (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belorussia, Armenia, Russia). Or, in case, you are planning to export your products through the CU.

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