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Our company serves with years of experience and customer satisfaction in the promotional sector. With our innovative service approach, we expand our product range and continue our success in the field of promotion. We present all our products to customers across 7 continents and hundreds of countries, including our own, and we are actively realizing our exports.

***** Industrial Co., Ltd. foi fundada em *****, com foco no desenvolvimento e produção de brindes corporativos, itens para eventos, brindes, brindes promocionais e brindes, brindes ecológicos, etc. Somos o maior e melhor fornecedor de qualidade do mundo para os seguintes itens: pulseiras de silicone, pulseiras de tecido, pulseiras de vinil, cordões de poliéster, porta-cartões, carretéis de crachás, crachás de alfinetes, adesivos, etiquetas de bagagem, ímãs, porta-copos, chaveiros, bolsas, bonés, bandeiras, purificadores de ar, guarda-chuvas, capas de chuva, dispositivos USB, coolers, etc.

Can we chat? Hello, you are well I hope? I am interested in personalized advertising tools, such as diaries, key rings, USB ports, calendars, etc. I will be in Istanbul soon, is it possible to get samples once there?

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