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Industrie Alimentaire / Produits Carnés / Albanie Demandes

Vous consultez des annonces dans la sous-catégorie Produits Carnés de la catégorie Industrie alimentaire de Albanie

Hello im interested in buying wholsale frozen chicken fille and also to be official distribution for Balkans States Minimum amount required 27 ton

need info for best turkish factories for consumer goods

My company is interested for food product, package food products, beverage drinks, etc.

Iyi gunler, Arnavutlukta gittikce buyuyen bir et fabrikamiz var. Fix markamiz ile Avrupaya cesit urunler ihracat ediyoruz. Turkiyeden islenmemis et ithalat etmek istiyoruz... ozellikle dana ve domuz et... ihracat yapan firmalarla bulusturabilir misiniz acaba Tesekkurler

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