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Bonjour. Je souhaiterais recevoir une offre pour un produit. Je serais ravi que vous me répondiez. Je ne peux pas donner beaucoup d'informations techniques sur le produit, j'espère que ma description sera suffisante. Je souhaite fournir un disque plat d'un diamètre de 18 cm et d'une épaisseur de 3 cm, le matériau le plus approprié serait (fer-aluminium). Je traiterai ce matériau sur CNC.

Je suis acheteur et je recherche ce matériau, le carbure de tungstène SS10. Si vous pouvez le fournir avec les mêmes détails et mesures, veuillez consulter les pièces jointes.

Production Request for 5000 Pieces of 110mm Fastener We request the production of 5000 pieces of 110mm diameter fasteners to be used in the project of our business partner with whom we work in Iraq. Products must have the following features: Product features: Workmanship: The overall surface quality must be good and the product must be free of mold defects. Functional Requirements: The product connection must be push-fit type and must be free of dirt, insects, etc. into the pipe. must prevent entry.

We are a hardware store in Honduras and we want to import plates. I’d like to know some options of the products, in materials, price and wholesale.

Hello, I am interested in aluminum circle made of alloy 3003 and thickness 3-4 mm. Estimated monthly volume 50-100 tons. Do you manufacture this product?

our company is a trading company here in pakistan , we deals in all king of agriculture machines and spare parts.. we are looking turkish manufacturer of harrow disc blades

good morning we are interested in buying trowel blades and float disc could you please inform about companies who made these products?

Aluminium circle manufactures from Turkey We need to get contact details of Aluminum discs manufacturers, we are from Saudi Arabia

Looking manufacture Of disc herrow blade 24 inch thikness 5mm

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