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Géorgie Demandes

Vous consultez des annonces de Géorgie

Hello! I am interested in wholesale transportation of your products to Georgia. Can you send me the catalogue?

ihrac icin 10 Kg lik Ariel satin alma talebi Urunlerin Euro1, msds olmasi gereklidir Urunleri Paletli veya paletsiz

Ihrac icin 10 Kg lik Ariel tir bazinda gereklidir.

Detarjan Ithal etmek isdiyorum Kendi Ulkeme Eger Kendi Markamla Uretim Yaparsaniz, Bunun Fasrafi 1 urun basina kac TL Olur? Kalite Duzeyi Nasildir.

I want to ask you the list of turkish producers which produce washing powders and ultra bleach

As we are interested to add detergent items to our basket of goods, therefore request to fwd your related manufactured items pricelist and also terms of getting agentship for Georgia.

sirketimiz Gurcistan'in bati kesiminde Batum'da bulunmaktadir ve bolgemizin nufusu icin tuketim mallari ithal etmektedir.

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