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Solicitudes De Productos Médicos Y Sanitarios / Irán

Estás viendo anuncios en la categoría Productos Médicos Y Sanitarios de Irán

Memo Hot ve Memo Max donatılı implant yapıştırıcısını hangi fabrikanın ürettiğini biliyor musunuz? 98***************6 Whatsapp

Nosotros, como ******* co., somos fabricantes y proveedores directos de lentes esclerales en Irán. Estamos buscando socios comerciales en Turquía, ya que confiamos en que nuestros productos son los mejores de todo Oriente Medio, y podemos demostrarlo. Queremos compartir con empresas turcas que se dedican al negocio de las lentes.

Le solicitamos que nos brinde su mejor oferta para los siguientes artículos: 1. Bolsas de solución, 200 cc, cantidad: 500 000 unidades 2. Bolsas de solución, 500 cc, cantidad: 60 000 unidades Agradeceremos enormemente su pronta respuesta.

Medical, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory Equipment Companies in IranMedical, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory Equipment Companies in Iran published in the TurkishExporter's export address databank.Manufacturers and exporters who want to export to Medical, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory Equipment Companies in Iran can benefit from this list.The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses..

Medical Equipment Company List in Iranİran'da Tıbbi Teçhizat Firma ListesiMedical Equipment Company List in Iran published in the TurkishExporter's export address databank.Manufacturers and exporters who want to export to Medical Equipment Company List in Iran can benefit from this list.The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses..

Associations in Medical Devices Field in Iranİran Tıbbi Cihaz Alanındaki DerneklerAssociations in the Field of Medical Devices in Iran published in the TurkishExporter's export address databank.Manufacturers and exporters who want to export import with Associations in the Field of Medical Devices in Iran can benefit from this list.The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses..

I am looking for Accu-Chek for blood glucose. looking forward to hearing form you commercial03@******.com

I want import vacuseras blood collection tubes and needles Please send the terms of cooperation, the minimum order volume, and the price list

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