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Solicitudes De Productos Médicos Y Sanitarios / Consumibles Médicos

Estás viendo anuncios en la subcategoría Consumibles Médicos en la categoría Productos Médicos Y Sanitarios.

We have recently been looking for new suppliers and are very interested in your product range. Would it be possible for you to send us a hard copy of your catalogue,samples and current price list. This would help us to introduce your products to our customers.

*Vaginal ring pessary, *Surgical gown, *Infrared therapy lamp *Lumbar support, and *knee support ,and *Ankle support, *Ryes tube different sizes. *Blood pressure monitor digital, *Infrared thermometer,

Tamamen yerli uretim dunya standartlarina uygun temassiz ates olcer satmak istiyoruz. Minimum siparis 100.000 adet.

I am looking for manufacturers of mercury thermometers for body (under arm)

Merhabalar, 3 katlı full ultrasonik maske, FFP2 maske ve ATEŞÖLÇER taleplerinizi cevaplandırmaya hazırız.

somos China antivirus de productos médicos COVID-19, como máscaras médicas, máscaras desechables, máscaras N95, guantes desechables, guantes médicos y termómetros digitales, termómetros sin contacto

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