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Solicitudes De Productos Industriales / Bombas Industriales

Estás viendo anuncios en la subcategoría Bombas Industriales en la categoría Productos Industriales.

Hola, Soy representante de una empresa farmacéutica de Georgia, Tbilisi. Nos interesa recibir los precios de sus productos, si es posible. Enviando nuestra lista de requisitos en archivos adjuntos. Gracias de antemano, Uc************ + 99**********

Please send us your price list for spare parts for boilers

Hər vaxtiniz xeyr olsun Zəhmət olmasa qiymət təklifi verin

As a manufacturer of valves with 28 years of experience in industrial facilities, we hope that our expertise can let us work together and make your business more accessible.

Please quote this steam trap following the attached specifications

We need total 4 boilers, (3 of 1T/hr. capacity & 1 2T/hr. capacity) with pressure of 40 bar (g) on RENT Utility Minimum Operating Normal Operating Maximum Operating Mechanical Design P Barg T °C P Barg T °C P Barg T °C P Barg T °C HP Steam 36.5 246 39.5 272 43.5 300 49.0 /FV 340/-28 The specifications of the HP steam shall be as per the below table: Parameter Specification TDS ppmw 0.1 Silica as SiO2, ppm 0.01 Total Chloride as Cl, ppm Sodium & Potassium as Na +

We wish to introduce ourselves as an organization specializing in design, manufacture, supply, testing, erection & commissioning of the followings:  steam jet ejector vacuum systems.  liquid jet ejectors.  engineered vacuum systems combining steam ejector/s with water ring vacuum pump.  engineered vacuum systems combining steam ejector/s with liquid jet ejector.  jet type thermo-compressors.  evaporator.  crystallizers.

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