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Solicitudes De Productos Industriales / Azerbaiyán

Estás viendo anuncios en la categoría Productos Industriales de Azerbaiyán

Azerbyacandan yaziyorum gas cylinderler taleb olunuyor

we are doing research to buy 40 fuel dispensers. Could you give me a price quote please?

40 adet akaryakit dagiticisi almak icin arastirma yapiyoruz. Bana bir fiyat teklifi verebilir misiniz lutfen?despenlerlerin fotograflarini gonderirseniz guzel olur. 1 despenser makinasinda -benzin ve dizel- 40 adet 1 despenser makinasinda tek Dizel - 40 adet

Azerbaycandan yaziyorum Bize malzeme lazim asagidaki bana fiyatla bagli bilgi vere bilirmisiniz? Helyum shortage "He" %99.999 keyfiyyetli -110 m3

We are interested in your products and would like to send our list of required gasses for our industrial demand for your close examination. We purchase these gasses on regular basis via e-bidding and it will be superb if you are able to supply any of them. In case of your interest, we would like to discuss a further partnership with your company and purchase these gasses from you.

Cylinders of Air Conditioning Refrigerant Gas bana bu urunden lazim 13.6 Kg bundan sizde varmi?

ben size bakuden azerbaijandan yaziyorum biz helim gasi satiyorus rusyadan tedaruk ediyorduk simdi rusyayla sikintilar oldugu icin gas alamiyoruz siz bana yardimci ola bilirmisiniz bu konuda

Could you please provide quotation for below mentioned items with MOQ(minimum order quantity): UOM Long Description tonne Liquid Nitrogen m3 Helium Gas m3 Nitrogen Gas EA Demin water with CC less than 30ppm for 0-30 m3 EA Demin water with CC less than 30ppm for 31-400 m3 EA Demin water with CC less than 30ppm for 401 > Liter Solgel per use Rodine 31A (min qty 5 usg) kg Sulfamic Acid Liter MO-67 kg Caustic Soda

we are looking for potential suppliers of fittings for the installation of gas meters

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