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Solicitudes De Seguridad Y Equipos De Seguridad / Sistemas Y Equipamientos De Seguridad / Holanda

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I'm interested in your alarm door sensor for export to the Netherlands Can you show me which sensors you have?

We are also looking for a big which should contain the following: warning triangle, orange safety vest and first aid kit (DIN13164-2022). Is this something you have in your range?

I'm interested in hexagon poultry wire fence and alo Forrest Fence.

Could you please give me your very best price and lead time after ordering? Kindly include all product details in the offer.

bizim bir kactane urunumuz var. bu urunleri uretebilecek tedarikciler ariyorum. Evcil hayvanlara ve kucuk cocuklarin evdeki belirli yerlere girmesine izin vermeyen bir merdiven kapisi ariyoruz. Bu merdiven kapisi, kapilar, koridorlar veya merdivenler arasinda kullanilabilir olmalidir. Onemli bir islev, icere dogru yuvarlanabilir olmasi. Merdiven kapisi, icere dogru sarma sistemine ek olarak, cocuklarin acamamasi icin ekstra guvenlik icin kullanisli bir kilit ile donatilmalidir.

I want a Mortise lock that can be locked simply by turning the key.

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