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Somos una conocida empresa de fabricación de pinturas de Pakistán. Estamos buscando yeso veneciano. Necesitamos su asistencia técnica en este sentido.

Estamos buscando yeso de París de buena calidad para la empresa de fertilizantes. Recientemente visitamos su sitio web oficial y verificamos que se trata de una empresa turca de fabricación y suministro de yeso de París con buena reputación. Actualmente necesitamos una cotización para: 1. 21 MT DE YESO DE PARÍS (grado duro).

We are distributors of foods and chemical products in three countries of West Africa. Can you send us your price CIF Lome-Togo for: plaster? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

I am exploring the domain of lime and I wish to have a great collaboration with Turkish lime provider. I want a fine lime that has 95 percent passing through a 1mm sieve.

My name is ***** I am based in the UK. I will like to make inquiries about plasterboard and all its accessories. Will like buy at manufacturers price and ship to Ghana.

We are looking for 700 tons of gypsum plaster 580. Please send me your best rate CFR Haifa Port. The importer is a Palestinian company.

Hello, I would like to chat with you. ceiling plaster

i am looking actually for a Lime Plaster or called Shikkui

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