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Solicitudes De Industria De Maquina / Procesamiento De Alimentos / Emiratos Árabes Unidos

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-We have a request from one of our customers in Iraq for two production lines: * The first is a fresh yeast production line * The second granular yeast production line -We are looking for a company that can provide us with these two types of lines from A to Z, with an average production capacity of 10 tons daily. If you have these lines, please provide us with the necessary information, such as a price quote and details of these lines.

Estimados miembros, Al Gihaz Trading & Contracting Company, que crea demanda a través de Abu Dhabi, exige sin fundamento dinero a las empresas con la promesa de licitar. Aunque esta empresa no está registrada en la Cámara de Comercio de Abu Dhabi, las licitaciones en cuestión no son reales.

Estimados miembros, Al Gihaz Trading & Contracting Company, que crea demanda a través de Abu Dhabi, exige falsamente dinero a las empresas con la promesa de licitar. Aunque esta empresa no está registrada en la cámara de comercio de Abu Dhabi, las licitaciones en cuestión no son válidas.

we are looking for Olive leaf extraction machine . Please kindly contact us with details .

I kindly need a machine that can process and extract the oil from Frankincense. if you don't have it where can I get them please. Many thanks for your kind support

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