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Solicitudes De Industria De Alimentos / Turkmenistán

Estás viendo anuncios Publicación de Compra en la categoría Industria de Alimentos de Turkmenistán

We offer you a mutually beneficial partnership in the sale of your product (chicken). The volume we are interested in is between 500-2000 tons.

Estaba buscando productores y exportadores de café Entonces, ¿cómo conseguir un distribuidor?

Hola. ¿Es usted fabricante de fideos instantáneos? Represento a un empresario de Turkmenistán. Si es posible, nos gustaría ver su catálogo y listas de precios de este producto.

I'm ***** , import manager of the private company "*****". Our company is located in the territory of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city. We have been operating in the market for more than 25 years. We are interested in your company. With regard to this, we are asking you to send a commercial offer for your entire range of products.

I have questions about semolina. We need 24 tons in sacks of 25-50 kg.

Hello, i want to contact with you because i want to know more information abot exporting palm oil to Turkmenistan

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