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Solicitudes De Construcción Y Edificación / Aislamiento / Kosovo

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Yurtdisinda kullanmak uzere 3 hadveli 12 cm poliuretan dolgulu, 5 hadveli 12 cm poliuretan dolgulu; 3 hadveli 15 cm poliuretan dolgulu, 5 hadveli 15 cm poliuretan dolgulu 1500m2 cati sandvic panellerinizle ilgili eger nakliye sagliyorsaniz nakliye fiyatlandirmasi dahil fiyatlandirma talep ederiz. Urunlerin ihrac edilecegi ulke Kosova'dir.

i'm interested on some insulation product, can I write them to you and you can forward to the manufactures i'm interested on: 1.floor heating module plate, 2.floor heating coated modulation panel, 3.aluminium floor foam, 4.aluminium foil mirror reflective film

i work with construction products and now I'm interested in insulation products.

we are interested to find out about pricing of your xps boards

Nese ka mundesi mi dergoni disa adresa per fabrika te cilat prodhojn Senduic Panel me PUR.(Poliuretan ) If possible mi send some addresses for factories that produce PUR sandwich panels. (Polyurethane)

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