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Solicitudes De Calefacción Ventilación Aire Acondicionado / India

Estás viendo anuncios en la categoría Calefacción Ventilación Aire Acondicionado de India

Base de datos de fabricantes de equipos de ventilación de Portugal publicada en la base de datos de direcciones de importación y exportación (importador-exportador) de TurkishExporter. Los fabricantes y exportadores que quieran exportar a fabricantes de equipos de ventilación de Portugal pueden beneficiarse de esta lista. La base de datos incluye el nombre de la empresa, el número de teléfono, el correo electrónico y las direcciones de sitios web.

India Commercial refrigeration companies list database published in the TurkishExporter's import export (importer-exporter) address databank. Manufacturers and exporters who want to export to India Commercial refrigeration companies can benefit from this list. <b>NOTICE: The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses.</b>

*********: Su solución integral para calefacción industrial. Desde calderas de vapor hasta calentadores de fluido térmico y sistemas de circulación de agua caliente, ofrecemos calidad y rendimiento. ¡Contáctenos para obtener más información!

We are pleased to provide a detailed offer for your heating requirements. Our ASME, IBR, and ISO-certified workshop manufactures and exports a wide range of equipment to over 50 countries, including: Steam Boilers: Small industrial, package type, water wall membrane type, single drum water tube type AFBC Systems: Designed for bagasse, palm kernel extract, sawdust, etc. Thermic Fluid Heaters: Three, four, and five-pass configurations Conversion Kits: Convert oil-fired systems to solid fuel for significant cost savings FBC Systems, Hot Water Generators, Hot Air Generators Pollution Control: Multi-cyclone dust collectors, bag filters, electrostatic precipitators Efficiency Enhancements: Air pre-heaters, water preheaters, economizers, waste heat recovery systems Ancillary Equipment: Pressure Reducing Stations, Steam Distribution Headers, Screw Feeders, Feeding Chutes, Nozzles, Valves, Blowers Heat Exchangers: Shell & tube, finned tube, pipe-in-pipe

We at ******** Pvt. Ltd. (****) have developed a wide range of Direct & Indirect Heating Solution with a combination of modern technology with wide experience. We manufacture & export Steam Boilers, Thermic Fluid Heating Systems and Industrial Hot Water Circulating Systems to more than 50 countries world-wide having reputed customers in USA, Gulf, Africa, Asia and Far East Asia and Pacific.

3-Pass Fully Wet Back Horizotal Package Type Fire Wood Steam Boiler

industrial air coolers India Please share your email address so that I can send you more information about my product and company

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FITZER Shell & Tube heat exchangers are widely used for liquid to liquid and liquid to gas applications such as oil cooling, condensing, jacket water or gas cooling. MATERIALS Only quality materials from reputable suppliers are used in the construction of these Heat Exchangers. We carry a large range of stock tubes, and tube plates. Material selection is subject to operating parameters and conditions of use. Whatsapp Link: (Mr. Suraj Chalke).

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