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Furniture / Furniture Parts - Materials / Netherlands Requests

You are viewing Promotion posts at Furniture Parts - Materials subcategory of Furniture category from Netherlands


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I am looking for a manufacturer in upholstery fabric. Especially chevron fabric. Is it possible to design my own chevron fabric?

I would like to have rods made for frames (3-4 meters). It concerns frames for art. I want estimated 12 different profiles. Simple in 2 sizes: black, white, walnut, oak, silver, gold. Details of format to come. The shape is straight and no curves. I would like to hear what the minimum orders are and estimated prices. Once I receive this we can go into further details.

Can you make us a price for: 9 mm poplar plywood 244 x 122 cm

I renovate and decorate the newly build hotels. I am looking for a flexible new manufacturer that can supply me steel chairs, fauteuils, bedheads (caption), banqueting chairs, sofa's and all that will be in a hotel with fabric.

Bu urun sizde varma veya yapabilirmisiniz? ve fiyati nekadar olur?

Biz Hollandada bu tur urunleri satan bir firmayiz. Ilk etapta 2 urunden 30 adet satin almak istiyoruz kaliteyi olcmek icin. Lutfen urunleri gormek icin yolladigimiz fotolara bakimiz.

Merhaba Hollanda'ya mobilya ihracati yapan bir firma ariyoruz. Kendinden montajli mobilyalar istiyoruz, boyle bir secenek varmi

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