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White Goods – Home Appliances / General Import General Importers General Verified Import Request and Trading Ready Business Listings

General Import and Export Companies and White Goods – Home Appliances Import Export Trade Listings and Details

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small house aplliances we are looking to start a relationship with one or few companies and slowly build a relationship, we are exploring possibilities. Dont get me wrong we exist for 23 years and we import products in Serbia.

Odenmemis paralarinizla ilgili iyi haberlerimiz var. Son zamanlarda size odeme yapildigi dusunulenler arasinda yer aldiniz. Birkac yil boyunca size borclu olunan miras, piyango ve sozlesme odemeleri, bazi yozlasmis banka/hukumet yetkilileri ve kuruluslari nedeniyle. Asagidaki odeme direktoruyle acilen iletisime gecmeniz tavsiye edilir: Bay Joe Rojas. Dis Odeme Merkezi, Takas Odasi (TCH) Daha fazla gecikme olmadan bu islemi tamamlamak icin sabirsizlaniyoruz. Saygilarimizla, Bayan San Beers. Foreign Payment Center, <>

It has been beneficial to consider the person whose contact information is given below as a potential fraudster.

I will send you the proforma and could you please let me know as soon as possible for hotel

I am looking for manufacturers of small electrical appliances that are interested in working with Argentina

We have a request to buy Bosch home appliance products with delivery to Russia or sell us on EXW basis?

we are looking premium home appliances to indian market

looking for reliable suppliers of Small and Big domestic Appliances.

I am interested in textiles, appliances and tableware. I have a store in Nazran, this is Ingushetia, Russia. If you give me a payment delay of 30-50 days, I will buy $6000-7000 every two months Textiles: bed linen, tablecloths Crockery: for cooking, serving Appliances: white goods and small home appliances (household), not gadgets.

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