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Heating - Cooling - Ventilation / Boilers Import Boilers Importers Boilers Verified Import Request and Trading Ready Business Listings

Boilers Import and Export Companies and Heating - Cooling - Ventilation Import Export Trade Listings and Details

You are viewing Buying Post posts at Boilers subcategory of Heating - Cooling - Ventilation category

This is ***** from ***** Trading. Actually, my cousin asked me to search for gas boilers to be used for houses. We are looking to buy one or two containers with spare parts. If you have such items, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Hi. I am looking for air boiler that use solid fuel. Space 1000m2. 73*12*3m. It is a chicken farm. Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you

Wanted to know the prices for steam boilers with a capacity of 2t. steam per hour steam pressure is not less than 0.4MPa. manufacturer Turkey.

Hello, I am Mr. *****, I am in Cameroon. I wanted a proforma invoice for a 6-ton steam boiler

I Need Cast Iron Boiler Large Quantities mixed cast iron boiler beatrice hp big 11 power 380 720 kcal/h

One of the countries for importing is Türkiye in the plan to import boiler parts. Please take the necessary steps to start cooperation from the leading company in the industry. If the initial stages are progressing well, I would like to meet in person at your company in Türkiye. If possible, send the price list of the products. You can contact me whenever you need. I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter

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