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Post List The Most Up-to-Date and Live Import Export Opportunities from All Over the World

We export ***** brand agricultural machinery, which is our own production. We produce Sunflower and Cotton Intermediate Hoe Machines, Soil Processing Group Cultivators, Universal Seeders and Chisel Plows for Cereal Planting.

Hello there i am looking for sesame harvester Can you send me what are the options so I can pick one. I have New holland tractor and Mahindra 800 tractor Istanbul I need to talk the shipper once I have all specs for the product

We are looking for almond tree shaker with an umbrella attachment that can be mounted to the front of a tractor;

Hello I am in need of some agriculture equipment to purchase around 10 products in total 69 quantities I just sent to you the request document Interplast Group

I need an RFQ for Silage Machine if we plan to place a large order. Includes detailed prices, available quantities and delivery options.

I want to buy a silage harvester imported from abroad 1 corn silage harvester

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