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Food Industry / Beverages-Coffee-Tea Requests

You are viewing the posts at Beverages-Coffee-Tea subcategory of Food Industry category.

Hello, Please can you send me your Whatsapp mobile and i need the catalog for your products. Thank you.

Is there a company you have worked for in France? We would like to meet you, please.

Where can I buy Fruvita wholesale? Annually 1 container. I need the following juice brands 1- Fruvita 2-Anavarza 3-Doğuş 4-Meysu 5-Ülker İçim

Our fruit juices are without added sugars, preservatives, additives, and colorings. Our products are top of the range.

Domestic and international franchises of our locally produced sodas, fruit juices and lemonades will be given. Please contact us.

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