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Turkey Food Industry Exporter Companies

Turkey Food Industry Exporter Companies and Export Offers Listing

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Dear Sirs/Madams, My name is Ergin Caglayan, export sales representative of Pak Flour Mills Co. Ltd. Turkey. We are wheat flour manufacturer and exporter company from Samsun, Turkey. Daily production capacity of our two factories is 1500 metric tons. Current markets are; Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Comores, Congo, DRC, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Israel, Kenya, Lebanon, Palestine, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Venezuela, etc. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Solid additives are weighged as set in operator panel and then trasfers to next process. RTK test your materials and give you the best solution to make automatic receipt.

MİKSER BİLYELİ SİSTEM OLUP ÇİKOLATA İMALATININ VAZGEÇİLMEZ PARÇASIDIR. 350-500 VE 1000 KG OLARAK İMAL EDİLİR ,MAKİNANIN ÜRÜNE TEMAS EDEN YÜZEYLERİ TAMAMEN PASLANMAZ METALDEN YAPILIR.15 KW ELEKTİRİK MOTORU İLE ÇALIŞTIRILIR. Chocolate Mixer A mixer that prepares chocolate mixture and makes it fine thanks to balls inside. Types with 350kg and 160kg chocolate production capacity are available. It is equipped with circulation pump and heaters.

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