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Yucel Carpet to serve as wholesale sector of carpet and home textille in trakya,inside anatolia,east black sea districts since 1993 year.for now we serve speed and of good quality to our customers with 4 service vehicles.we can say carpet,bed cloth,sleepping sets,bathrobe sets etc.produces as produce fan.
our vision;
perfect service with perfect personnel who using developed technology and happy customers.
our mission;
services that we have; that we have targets designate with strategic planing reality appropriate international norms to think about pleasure of customer.
our quality politics;
acting on the fact that the expectations of our customers to our services to perform directed targets with modern,safe,speed,and productivly designate with our personnels joining in,our system of quality control always to better our foundation carry to future.
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TUANA HALI LTD. STI. Export Products