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كل القائمة

We are in the wool worsted yarns and woolen yarns, mohair, acrylic etc fiber and yarn business for 3 generations and understand that you are importing weaving and hand knitting yarns and would be obliged to have our inquiries enable us to quote for your kind consideration.

نحن أكبر منتج لخيوط البولي بروبلين والبوليستر. كما ننتج كلا المنتجين القابلين لإعادة التدوير. الآن، نعمل مع شركات تغليف كبيرة من إنجلترا وبلجيكا وهولندا والولايات المتحدة والشرق الأوسط ومن دول أخرى، ونود أيضًا العمل مع شركتكم الموقرة. أنا مستعد دائمًا لتقديم خدمة جيدة لكم بمنتجات عالية الجودة وبأسعار تنافسية.

I am interested in chenille yarn for weaving Nm 3. Can you please send me an offer with prices and a color list? I am interested in chenille Nm 2.5 - 3 in some pastel colors. I need chenille for weaving.

Peace be upon you Is it possible to communicate to know your products Are you a store or a factory The product is wool balls. The name of the product does not matter, as long as it is made in Turkey

I am looking for fantasy yarn spinners. It's for wall covering textile, large quantities. I am a textile designer, working for several textile firms in Belgium, Italy, Turkey, and China. Specialized in interior textiles and more specifically in wall covering. My name is M****** Stylist / Trend Watcher / Designer Phone: +32 ***** Email: info@**********.com

I need yarn requirements for spun ring and open-end spinning. Could you provide details on the specifications and availability?

We have 50 hectares of organic cotton farms, right from farm cultivation to cotton, yarn & fabric manufacturing, all under one roof. If you are interested in importing 100% cotton fiber, yarns and fabrics, please let us know. Connect with us today and be part of a greener future by using only sustainable textile products.

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