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طلبات ملابس جاهزة - موضة / بلغارية

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة ملابس جاهزة - موضة من بلغارية

Farkli kalite ve kategorilerde corap alimi yapmaktayiz. Lutfen urunlerinizin bir katalogunu ve stoktaki fabrika fiyatlarini saglayin

To whom it may concern My name is Monika xxxxxx and I am writing in regards to our interest in a future business cooperation. Let me start by introducing ourselves - we are the biggest daily-deal platform in Bulgaria, which makes 150.000 unique visitors and more than 4000 transactions every single day. We started new business venture which is a private-sales platform under the name of xxxxxx I would like to ask whether we can work together? Let me briefly introduce you how we work with ot

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