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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / مكائن لاعمال معدبية

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة الفرعية مكائن لاعمال معدبية في الفئة مكائن الصناعية.

أبحث عن شركة تصنيع تركية لتمثيل شركتها كوكيل مبيعات في مصر أنا عامل مستقل وأستخدم شبكتي الكبيرة مع رجال الأعمال المصريين لإبرام صفقات كبيرة والحصول على عمولة، حتى أتمكن من التعاون مع أي شركة لأكون كما لو كنت موظف مبيعات لديهم في مصر (لن آخذ أي راتب) فقط عمولة على أي صفقة أحصل عليها.

    محدث كلمات المفتاح الخاصة بالشركة التي تظهرها لم يتم إدخالها بعد ...

Importer Exporter Data August, 06, 2024 – A selection of some important export and import global trade opportunities. Let your global sales grow up worldwide with import export leads: Start your DEMO MEMBERSHIP account today where you can see the details of the postings: In most of these job opportunities, Whatsapp number is published for quick communication. TurkishExporter Support Line +90 533 595 35 12 / Whatsapp Ukraine customer will purchase Candle manufacturing equipment Palestinian customer wants to receive offers for Confectionery products UAE company will purchase 5 containers of fresh gala apples monthly Bolivia company requests a price quote for Medical service trolley Senegal company wants to import Detergent raw materials Lebanese company requests price offers for dried fruit varieties Senegal company wants to import Detergent raw materials Ethiopian importer will purchase Horizontal multistage water pump Uzbekistan company wants to get a quote for Bitumen BND 40/60 US company wants to import women's boxer underwear products Mauritania customer will buy Sheet metals (list available) Lesotho customer requests Derinkuyu Water Drilling Machine Canadian company will purchase stone crushing grinding mill Lebanese company wants to subcontract PE Seal Bottle Cap Romania customer requests Hotel Kitchen Equipment US company demands Women's Ready-to-Wear varieties Algerian company will buy Brake Discs (list available) Latvia customer demands Body and surface disinfectants Ukrainian plumbing products manufacturer will import Rolling Machine Saudi Arabia customer wants to import Wooden pallets Russian company requests Profile Bending Machine Importer Exporter Requests Data:

قائمة الشركات المستوردة للآلات - إندونيسيا تتضمن قاعدة البيانات اسم الشركة وأرقام الهاتف والفاكس وعناوين البريد الإلكتروني.

One of our customer seeking a complete Granite slab manufacturing machinery set up.

I am looking for a stone crushed plant for Africa Cameroon. I need as from 300 tones per h. . It is for water stone.

can design sand washing plants and can built up as turn-key together with Feed Bins, belt Feeder, Screens, Cyclones, Agitator - mixers, Hydrosizer, Dewatering Belt Units, Pumps and etc.

We have a huge land of Gypsum rocks processed locally by hand. We will process and obtained all required permits,titles and investment permits, including EIA permits and License

we are interested in EPC Contract including the entire design works starting from the lay-out to detail shop drawings, complete local fabrication, civil works and mechanical erection works of our project

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