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طلبات مكائن الصناعية / مكائن صناعة حديدية / يابان

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة الفرعية مكائن صناعة حديدية في الفئة مكائن الصناعية من يابان

Industrial Machinery Importers-Exporters in Japan The database contains the company name, country-city names and website addresses. Companies that have made imports in the last 1 year are listed. Source: World Trade Organization and United Nations

We supply all kinds of materials from reputable manufacturers all over the world such as Pipes Ductile, HDPE, valves, control valves, fittings, etc. We are interested to contact project manager for these projects so we can quote for material supply. Can you please send us the contact details in order to send our specifications for below QTY? Item No. 1-Manual Drilling Compressor No 15 2-Portable Air Compressor No 12 3-Generators No 18 4-Portable Plasma Cutting Machine No 12 5-Sub

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