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يرجى تقديم أفضل عرض سعر لديكم للآلات المذكورة أدناه، شاملاً رسوم الشحن إلى ميناء الشويخ بالكويت، على النحو التالي: 1- طابعة UV 60x90 - وحدة واحدة 2- طابعة شرائط متعددة الصفوف، 4 خطوط، مع 3 مجموعات من الأحبار - وحدة واحدة 3- طابعة تصعيد رقمية، مزودة بثلاثة رؤوس حبر للطباعة، بأحجام: 1.8 متر/2 متر/3.2 متر، مع 3 مجموعات من الأحبار - وحدتين 4- ماكينة ضغط حراري 5 في 1 للقمصان - وحدة واحدة 5- ماكينة تطريز برأس واحد 6- بكرات طباعة، 500 قطعة، بأحجام 1.8 متر/2 متر/3.2 متر لذا، يرجى إرسال أفضل عرض سعر لديكم للآلات والمنتجات المذكورة أعلاه، مع جزيل الشكر.

أبحث حاليًا عن شريك تصنيع في تركيا، وقد وجدتُ مصنعكم مهتمًا. أكون ممتنًا لو تفضلتم بتقديم عرض سعر ومشاركتنا التفاصيل التالية: • نطاق أسعار أحذية النساء الجلدية الأصلية • الحد الأدنى لكمية الطلب (MOQ) • مهلة إنتاج العينات • مهلة الإنتاج بالجملة • ما إذا كنتم توفرون خدمة الشحن (DDP)

I'm searching for FIFA-approved football grass with all the necessary test reports. The football grass requirements are: A) Large field: 74x35 meters = 2,590 m2 B) Small field: 38x20 meters = 760 m2 Please provide the best price for the high-quality grass.

We would like to introduce ourselves A***********y company as one of the leading Polymer producers in Kuwait. We are working on a new approval obtained from Public Authority for Industry to produce Polycrete (Polymer+ Concrete) for sewers and drains for a total capacity of 2,550 tons annually we shall introduce the properties of the polycrete pipes, sewers, and drainage as per the following: Properties The following mechanical material properties on the finished pipes in polymer concrete: Compression Strength 100 to 120 N/mm2 Modules of Elasticity 7 28000 N/mm- Tensile Strength ') 6 N/mm- Ring Bending Tensile Strength 16 N/mm2 Ring Fatigue Strength 6 N/mm2 Absolute Wall Roughness 0.1 mm2 We would like to receive a complete and comprehensive technical quotation for the targeted production capacity utilizing high speed, automated and computerized lines. We are looking forward to receiving the quotation shortly in order to go ahead with our implementation phase in the shortest period, with in the next three month. The following technical data and information should be provided in the technical quotation as follows: 1. Official brochures and catalogues of machinery and equipment’s including packing machines, included in it, their official prices (F.O.B. OR C.I.F.) As quoted and plant accessories and machinery and equipment’s sizes (length and width and height of each equipment and machines). 2. Machines and equipment’s consumption of electricity (kilo -watt per hour) fuel consumption per hour if any and water consumption. 3. Machines production cycle, process flow chart, and production layout. 4. Work force needed including their technical designation. 5. Final product specification produced in the new production line, storage period (it is recommended that the storage period be 4 months), storage methods (area needed for the final product, length * width * height), final product length and width and height and density.

I am writing to inquire about the potential for establishing a distribution partnership for air curtains within the Kuwaiti market. We are currently fielding numerous requests for air curtains and are seeking a supplier known for high-quality products and competitive pricing.

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