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طلبات صناعة كيميائية / مواد الطلاء الخام

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة الفرعية مواد الطلاء الخام في الفئة صناعة كيميائية.

we ask you to provide information on the cost of Diethylene glycol DEG 99.5% in the amount of 5,000 tons and Tritylene glycol TEG 99.5% in the amount of 10,000 tons. The scope of delivery will be carried out in stages. Terms of payment and delivery: USD / EURO advance payment or letter of credit, EXW-factory, or others from the territory of your region, delivery to our region, goods are new (not earlier than 2022 of release).

Dietilen glikol DEG %99,5'in 5.000 ton ve Tritilen glikol TEG'nin 10.000 ton %99,5 maliyeti hakkinda bilgi vermenizi rica ederiz. Teslimat kapsami asamalar halinde gerceklestirilecektir. Odeme ve teslimat kosullari: USD / EURO avans odemesi veya akreditif, EXW-fabrika veya bolgenizin topraklarindan digerleri, bolgemize teslimat, mallar yenidir (2022 cikis tarihinden once degil). Kisitli sure nedeniyle, en kisa zamanda en azindan bir ticari teklif veya fiyat listesi gondermenizi rica ederiz. Simdiden tesekkurler. Isbirligi icin umut!

we ask you to provide information on the cost of Diethylene glycol DEG 99.5% in the amount of 5,000 tons and Tritylene glycol TEG 99.5% in the amount of 10,000 tons.

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