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طلبات صناعة كيميائية / منتجات الكيمياوية

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة الفرعية منتجات الكيمياوية في الفئة صناعة كيميائية.

We need a lot of bilirubin, please quote us according to the specification and quantity.

We grow and produce Fungreek seeds and mustard seeds in India, western part of India. Wish to sell raw material to medicine manufacturers in Turkey

I write to request for a quote for the following products. 1. Bladbuff (BB5) Quantity 350 Lts 2. Magnesium Sulphate Quantity 120 kg 3. Citric Acid Quantity 50kg 4. Fulvic Acid Quantity 50kg

Looking for Pharmaceutical Factories to supply Raw Material. Also , Buying Raw materials .

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