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طلبات تربية الحيوانات / تركيا

أنت تشاهد الإعلانات في الفئة تربية الحيوانات من تركيا

نحن نعمل في صناعة الدواجن منذ أكثر من 30 عامًا. نبيع العديد من الأنظمة ذات السعة الكبيرة ونقوم بتسليم أنظمة الدواجن جاهزة للاستخدام. نقدم أيضًا خدمات الصيانة. مع نمو محفظة العملاء، يتم اعتماد المشرفين لدينا من قبل Stoik. عملاؤنا، تبنوا فريق التجميع الخاص بنا كأفضل المثبتين لديهم. بما في ذلك تركيب الأقفاص والتهوية.

    محدث كلمات المفتاح الخاصة بالشركة التي تظهرها لم يتم إدخالها بعد ...

ذبح 500 دجاجة في الساعة مسلخ دجاج الواتساب افضل لي

    كلمات المفتاح الخاصة بالشركة التي تظهرها لم يتم إدخالها بعد ...

أريد آلة تقطيع وسحق النباتات، هل لديكم واحدة؟

    كلمات المفتاح الخاصة بالشركة التي تظهرها لم يتم إدخالها بعد ...

***** International Import Requests ***** Palestine customer will import PVC and WPC doors Syrian company wants to import Kaolin Lebanese customer will order Pasta Yemen company requests a flour mill offer with a capacity of 1000 TPD Moroccan company will purchase 100 interior and 100 exterior doors Malta wholesaler wants to import Turkish made electrical appliances Italian company wants to import Fast Food food packaging Niger customer will buy 20,000pcs Plastic flower pots Russian company is looking for Turkish manufacturers to supply minibuses Egyptian customer wants to contact bus manufacturers in Turkey Mexican buyer demands Bamboo sheets UK company will import Canned Food varieties UK customer demands T-shirts and hoodies Angola customer will import Dry Cleaning Machine Norwegian customer wants Hijab clothing products and headscarves South Korean company will import original spare parts for BMW Bulgarian customer is looking for Turkish manufacturer for pet accessories US company is looking for an alternative Turkish supplier to China for the supply of Glass Tiles Algerian company wants to become a Veterinary Products dealership Ethiopian company wants to import Sock Knitting Machine Canada customer request Clutch Pressure Pad Ukrainian importer demands Plastic Kitchenware Rwanda customer looking for Animal Food Supplement supplier UAE merchant company wants to buy Fresh fruit varieties Ukraine customer demands Essential Perfume Oils Russian buyer will buy Ready-sewn tulle curtains 4000 units per month Ghanaian customer requests Plumbing materials catalog and price list Indian customer wants to have men's underwear produced by a contract brand TurkishExporter Support Line +90 533 595 35 12 / Whatsapp ***** International Import Requests International Export Opportunities Foreign Requests Bulletin *****

***** Foreign Requests Bulletin International Purchasing Requests ***** Russia customer will buy 10,000kg Hazelnut paste in 3kg tin box Sri Lankan customer requests offers from Turkish companies producing soft confectionery BAE company will purchase a peanut processing line with a capacity of 100 tons/day Denmark customer requests Hijab swimming costumes catalog and price list Russian company wants to import tulle curtain fabrics from Turkey on a wholesale basis Saudi Arabian customer wants to have bathrobe types produced with his own design in Turkey. Nigerian customer wants to get a quote for 300 kVA Oil Oiled Distribution transformer Zambia customer requests a quote to purchase a Crankshaft grinding machine Adblue will be purchased for the Romanian market with a contract of 1000 tons x 12 months Russian company requests catalogs and FOB prices from suppliers for Confectionery varieties UAE company wants to receive catalogs and price offers from beverage producers. Kyrgyzstan customer requests RFQ quotation letter for Feed baler Cuban company wants to import food product types, He states that he will visit the Izmir Fair. Argentinian customer wants to import steel pipes, profiles, angles and wires for the construction industry Ukrainian company requests catalog and price information for women's underwear types Gambia customer would like to receive FOB based quotes for Bedroom furniture TurkishExporter Support Line +90 533 595 35 12 / Whatsapp ***** International Purchasing Requests International Export Opportunities Foreign Requests Bulletin *****

Milking machines will be purchased for our company operating in Corum. Purchases will be wholesale. Our producers and supply companies will be informed.

I want an animal feed manufacturing machine If there is a machine that has all the settings Or a complete production line Like that kind of stuff

could you send us a detailed offer for Cattle Milking Parlor ? A complete unit includes a vacuum pump (2000-2500 rpm) with a gauge and an electric motor (3-phase, 220/380 volts). 6 complete cluster units (milking kit, milk distributor, and specialized hoses). 6 pulsation control units for each milking unit. The milking Parlor pipelines include: A main vacuum line, 10-12 meters long, made of PVC with a diameter of 75 mm, including a pressure gauge and regulator (3500 rpm), a closed loop system with an air filter, and a wash point for each milking unit.

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