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مرحبًا، طاب يومك، أتمنى لك عملاً جيدًا، اسمي Ü*****n، شركتنا العائلية التي تعمل في Ç***** OSB، تتم إعادة تدوير الألومنيوم في شركة إنتاج الألومنيوم الخاصة بنا. بصفتي شركة، أود أن ألتقي بك للحصول على رقائق الألومنيوم ومنتجات إعادة التدوير المماثلة. رقم:054********* مرة أخرى، طاب يومك، أتمنى لك عملاً جيدًا

I'm looking for aluminum foil manufacturer 8micron*265mm 5tn 10*265 mm 5tn 11*265 mm 5tn

Could you please confirm if your company produces aluminum foil? If so, I would appreciate it if you could provide details on the types of aluminum foil you manufacture along with the prices.

I need the following quantities of good quality aluminum foil for food packaging: 8 micron * 265 mm: 5 tons 10 micron * 265 mm: 5 tons 11 micron * 265 mm: 5 tons Please provide pricing and availability.

First of all, I need aluminum foil for Germany. I can send you the photo measurements by e-mail, if you return to my e-mail address.

Hello sir, I am a businessman and would like to discuss some business with you please. Give me your WhatsApp number.

I'd like to get contacts of company which wants to import an aluminium folio for food industry. Thanks in advance for your collaboration.

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