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طلبات الجزائر

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We are a big company in the west of algeria , we need to import We need to import everything related to poultry

I need more info about supplier

The Business manager Dear Sir, Us , ..., importer and distributive firm based in Algiers Alegria. I am interesting to import in turkey : - Intruders alarms equipements. - Fire alarms equipements. - Emergency lighting. - For a future commercial relation, Please transmit to us your catalogue and your price list in document PDF. In this waiting, receive, Sir, our best greetings

The Business manager Dear Sir, Us , ..., importer and distributive firm based in Algiers Alegria. I am interesting to import in turkey : - Intruders alarms equipements. - Fire alarms equipements. - Emergency lighting. - For a future commercial relation, Please transmit to us your catalogue and your price list in document PDF. In this waiting, receive, Sir, our best greetings

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